Share a portfolio with friends and family
Let friends and family participate in your investment know-how by sharing your asset allocation and describing your strategy.Publishing your asset allocation
You may publish your asset allocation any time during portfolio planning.
When publishing a portfolio, you do not share absolute values or how much money you have assigned to your portfolio. You will only give access to your portfolio structure and weights in %. This way, sensitive information remains private.
Name your published portfolio and provide your friends and family with a meaningful description of your investment strategy.
You will not be able to change your title or strategy description once published. Please use the “Preview” button to revise and double-check before publishing. You can always delete published portfolios on the Portfolio Overview later on.

It is prohibited to share email addresses, links to websites or any other sensitive information. Furthermore, sharing offensive, discriminatory or illegal content is prohibited. justETF reserves the right to delete profiles if those terms of use are violated.Share via email or social media
After clicking on “Publish allocation now”, you will receive a link which may be used to access your portfolio. Share the link via email, facebook, twitter or the like.
Manage and delete published portfolios
You can copy or delete published portfolios on the Portfolio Overview.
You may delete a published portfolio anytime. When deleting a portfolio, all information will be lost and cannot be restored. The link to access your portfolio will be deactivated.
Hint: Please keep in mind that justETF support is unable to restore deleted portfolios.