The Core-Satellite strategy boosts a Buy and Hold portfolio with exotic ‘satellite’ asset classes that have the potential to enhance risk-adjusted returns
To diversify risk and return expectations across multiple markets, it makes sense to invest in more than one ETF. But which portfolio strategy is best? Here’s an overview of the dominant approaches
The European Football Championship is coming up - and we have been thinking about what an "ETF team" would look like. Would it be enough for the title?
Inflation-linked bonds are the one asset class that’s specifically designed to combat fast-rising prices. We explain how they work, the benefits and the risks.
High inflation chews up cash in the bank whereas investing can help you increase your spending power over time. So how should you fight inflation with ETFs?
Bond ETFs have had a rocky few years as interest rate rises and inflation hit returns hard. But BlackRock – one of the biggest names in ETFs under their iShares brand – has responded with a major bond ETF innovation they call iBonds. Let’s discover what makes iBonds different from traditional bond ETFs and why you may want to invest in them
An ETF with physical replication, also referred to as direct replication or full replication, tracks an index by directly buying the underlying securities of the index.